App Builder

Posts under the "App Builder" category

What is the App Builder?

The App Builder provides a new improved way to create data tables and data entry forms. It offers more features while being faster and more stable than our legacy tools. The App Builder is an intuitive tool with enhanced usability. The Run & Build App feature...

Road map

The App Builder was first developed in 2023. April 2024 saw the start of a pre-release. Eliminating the legacy tools by the summer of 2025 was the target. This is not possible. More time will be needed.With the App Builder, users will have a single tool to handle all...

The App Builder dashboard

To navigate to the App Builder: Open your WP Data Access dashboard Click on the App Builder icon on the toolbar Create New App ButtonOpens the App Builder wizard. More...Documention LinkLink to the App Builder documentation.View Types for App Containers App View –...

Creating your first App

To create your first app, click the App Builder icon on the plugin toolbar. Next, click on the Create New App icon in the upper right corner of the page, which opens the App Wizard. The first page prompts you to select your App Type. For more information about App...

Running Apps

Apps can run on both the back-end and front-end in either development mode or runtime mode. The mode is set automatically based on the user's authorization level. Development mode is available to administrators only. Other users are generally not authorized to access...

Export/Import Apps

To transfer an app from one WordPress server to another: Export the app from the source server Import the app on the destination server Use the plugin import and export functions as outlined below. This ensures that your WordPress database name will be automatically...


The following relationship types are supported One-to-one relationship (1:1) One-to-many relationship (1:m) Many-to-many relationship (m:m) Adding RelationshipsRelationships can be added using the Table Builder or Form Builder...


Lookups need to be set separately in the Table Builder and Form Builder using the Lookup Wizard. In the Table Builder, you can use a lookup to display coherent data values in columns in place of IDs or codes. In the Form Builder, fields with lookups set up are...

Computed Fields

A computed field is a generated field based on text, calculations, and values of other fields. Computed fields are available in both the Table Builder and Form Builder. They are generated during runtime and are mainly used for display purposes. The generated column...