The App Builder was first developed in 2023. April 2024 saw the start of a pre-release. Eliminating the legacy tools by the summer of 2025 was the target. This is not possible. More time will be needed.With the App Builder, users will have a single tool to handle all...
Export/Import Apps
To transfer an app from one WordPress server to another: Export the app from the source server Import the app on the destination server Use the plugin import and export functions as outlined below. This ensures that your WordPress database name will be automatically...
Auto-reload table at specific intervals
This example demonstrates how to use the onAppClose and customActionsTop hooks to automatically reload a table every 5 seconds. To avoid unnecessary rerenders, the global variable window._requeryTimer is utilized.
onAppCloseWhen an application closes, developers can perform custom actions using the onAppClose hook.Parameters log: reference to WP Data Access logger Return valueNoneExamples
onAppOpenWhen an application is launched, developers can perform custom actions using the onAppClose hook.Parameters log: reference to WP Data Access logger Return valueNoneExamples
customActionsBottomThe customActionsBottom hook allows developers to add custom actions to the table actions shown at the bottom left corner. Please be aware that these actions are only accessible to users when pagination is set to BOTTOM or BOTH.Parameters log:...
customActionsTopThe customActionsTop hook allows developers to add custom actions to the table actions shown at the top left corner.Parameters log: reference to WP Data Access logger table: reference to the table instance and state Return valueTemplate literal, DOM...
Student Administration System
This demo showcases the Student Administration System, frequently featured in our tutorials, built using the App Builder. It runs in read-only mode for demonstration purposes. You can download the demo and set it up on your own server. Simply follow the instructions...
Classic Models
This demo app is based on the classic model sample database. You can download the demo and set it up on your own server. Simply follow the instructions below to download and import the Classic Models app, tables and data.Installation Download the...
renderThe render hook allows developers to implement custom renderers for specific columns. This powerful hook enables rendering based on other column values or external data fetched via AJAX. It also supports built-in functions to change the text color and background...
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