The data table language can be defined on global level for all data tables in plugin settings and for specific data table in the Data Tables advanced settings section.
Global data table language #
To change the global data tables language:
- Click the Settings icon on the menu bar
- Select tab Data Tables
- Select your Front-End Language (default = English)
- Save your settings
Data table specific language #
To change the language of a specific data table:
- Click the Tables icon on the menu bar
- Edit your data table
- Add option wpda_language to advanced settings (see example below)
- Save your data table
This will change the language for the edited data table only.
Video Tutorial #
Change data table language to Dutch
{ "wpda_language": "Dutch" }
Note #
Option wpda_language allows to show multiple data tables on the same page using different languages.
Change Search Builder language #
The Search Builder does not have a language file for all languages. Conditions and operators need to be defined in advanced settings (see example below).
Search Builder language options
"language": {
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Add",
"condition": "Condition",
"clearAll": "Clear All",
"delete": "X",
"deleteTitle": "Delete filtering rule",
"data": "Column",
"left": "<",
"leftTitle": "Outdent criteria",
"logicAnd": "And",
"logicOr": "Or",
"right": ">",
"rightTitle": "Indent criteria",
"title": {
"0": "Filters",
"_": "Filters (%d)"
"value": "Option",
"valueJoiner": "and",
"conditions": {
"number": {
"between": "Between",
"empty": "Empty",
"equals": "Equals",
"gt": "Greater Than",
"gte": "Greater Than Equal To",
"lt": "Less Than",
"lte": "Less Than Equal To",
"not": "Not",
"notBetween": "Not Between",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty"
"string": {
"contains": "Contains",
"empty": "Empty",
"endsWith": "Ends With",
"equals": "Equals",
"not": "Not",
"notContains": "Does Not Contain",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty",
"notEndsWith": "Does Not End With",
"notStartsWith": "Does Not Start With",
"startsWith": "Starts With",
"date": {
"after": "After",
"before": "Before",
"between": "Between",
"empty": "Empty",
"equals": "Equals",
"not": "Not",
"notBetween": "Not Between",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty"
"array": {
"contains": "Contains",
"empty": "Empty",
"equals": "Equals",
"not": "Not",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty",
"without": "Without"
Change Search Panes language #
There is no language file for Search Panes for all languages. Language changes need to be defined in advanced settings (see example below).
Search Panes language options
"language": {
"searchPanes": {
"title": {
"_": "Filters Active - %d",
"0": "No Filters Active",
"1": "One Filter Active"
Combining Search Builder and Search Panes language options #
Search Builder and Search Panes language options combined
"language": {
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Add",
"condition": "Condition",
"clearAll": "Clear All",
"delete": "X",
"deleteTitle": "Delete filtering rule",
"data": "Column",
"left": "<",
"leftTitle": "Outdent criteria",
"logicAnd": "And",
"logicOr": "Or",
"right": ">",
"rightTitle": "Indent criteria",
"title": {
"0": "Filters",
"_": "Filters (%d)"
"value": "Option",
"valueJoiner": "and",
"conditions": {
"number": {
"between": "Between",
"empty": "Empty",
"equals": "Equals",
"gt": "Greater Than",
"gte": "Greater Than Equal To",
"lt": "Less Than",
"lte": "Less Than Equal To",
"not": "Not",
"notBetween": "Not Between",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty"
"string": {
"contains": "Contains",
"empty": "Empty",
"endsWith": "Ends With",
"equals": "Equals",
"not": "Not",
"notContains": "Does Not Contain",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty",
"notEndsWith": "Does Not End With",
"notStartsWith": "Does Not Start With",
"startsWith": "Starts With",
"date": {
"after": "After",
"before": "Before",
"between": "Between",
"empty": "Empty",
"equals": "Equals",
"not": "Not",
"notBetween": "Not Between",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty"
"array": {
"contains": "Contains",
"empty": "Empty",
"equals": "Equals",
"not": "Not",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty",
"without": "Without"
"searchPanes": {
"title": {
"_": "Filters Active - %d",
"0": "No Filters Active",
"1": "One Filter Active"