You can find pagination options by going to Table Builder > TABLE > Default WHERE.
A default where must be valid SQL.
Examples #
Hardcoded condition.
first_name like 'Sacha%'
Use the built-in variables httpGet, httpPost and httpRequest to access HTTP GET and HTTP POST parameters from a query. All functions return null when the requested parameter was not provided. Read more…
product_id = httpPost['my_product_id'] and httpPost['my_product_id'] is not null
Use httpGet if directly querying a parameter from a URL. For example:
product_id = httpGet['my_product_id'] and httpGet['my_product_id'] is not null
Use session variable @wpda_wp_user_id to access the WordPress user ID from SQL. Read more…
user_id = @wpda_wp_user_id
Use a subquery.
user_id in (select user_id from wp_usermeta where meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' and meta_value like '%coach%')
Use SQL functions.
order_date between date_sub(now(), interval 1 week) and now()
Combine different condition types.
status = 'send' and order_date > date_sub(now(), interval 1 week)
Notes #
- Keyword where is optional (where status = ‘send’ is similar to status = ‘send’)