Available patches #
- Cannot save legacy tool status with free version
Download patch free version #
- Download the lastest version of WP Data Access from the WordPress plugin directory (use the download button)
Download patch premium version #
- Login to your freemius account
- Download the latest premium version of WP Data Access
Install patch #
- Login to your WordPress dashboard
- Navigate to Installed Plugins
- Click Add New
- Click Upload Plugin
- Select the previously downloaded ZIP file
- Click Install Now
- If your current matches the uploaded version, click Replace current with uploaded
Hi Peter,
I have been using WP Data Access for some time and it works great. I entered some rows using the Data Explorer just a few weeks ago but something has changed: the insert icon is missing. I did upgrade to WP 5.8.2 and PHP 7.4.
I understood the missing insert icon was solved in the latest patch (5.0) which I downloaded but this had no effect.
Any ideas?
Hi Jan,
Good to hear from you again! 🙂 Hope you are healthy and doing well.
The insert is available after installing the patch, but the insert button was removed. You need to use the plus icon in the toolbar. Can you give me some more details if the icon is not available?
Hi Peter,
Yeah, everythink ok. Retired now 🙂 . I hope you are also doing well?
I do not see a toolbar in my Data Explorer, just the search function, navigation buttons, Bulk actions and Screen options. Is there some setting to enable the toolbar?
Hi Jan,
Retired sounds good! Lot’s of time…. 🙂
There is an option to change the toolbar settings in plugin settings, tab: Plugin, subject: Plugin navigation. You should see the toolbar if “Show dashboard only” or “Show submenus and dashboard” is selected. With “Show submenus only” select the old insert button should be available. All settings are working correctly on my server. Can you please reinstall the patch? Just to be sure. And send me a screenshot if it still doesn’t work?
Thanks Peter, that solved it!
Thanks again,