
Premium features are displayed in bold.
Remote databases are supported for all features.

App Builder

  • Intuitive app building with our App Wizard
    • Easy data tables with the Table Builder
    • Grid-driven Form Builder
  • Customizable with builtin Theme Builder
    • Theme Settings
    • Manual Styling using CSS
  • Master-detail pages with the Relationship Wizard
  • Real-time updatable computed fields
  • Real-time aggregations through inline fields
  • Conditional lookups with the Lookup Wizard
  • Numerous global and inline filter options
  • Seamless inline editing
  • Detailed panel view per row
  • Local and remote database support
  • WordPress media library integration
  • WordPress users and roles integration
  • Export via Bulk Actions
    • PDF, Excel, SQL
    • CSV, JSON, XML
  • Manage authorizations with the App Manager
  • Run apps on both the back-end and front-end
  • Real-time build and run functionality
  • Fully responsive design

Business Intelligence

  • Customizable dashboards
  • Customizable widgets
  • Share on back-end and front-end
  • Share widgets on external web pages
  • Lock dashboards

Plugin Settings

  • Many customizable features
  • Repository backup and restore management
  • Automatic backups on update

Data Tables (Legacy Tool)

  • Easy to create
  • Highly customizable
  • Fixed and responsive layouts
  • Server-side & client-side processing
  • Supporting large tables
  • SEO optimization
  • Geolocation integration
  • Styling
    • Manual styling
    • Premium styling
  • Many filter and search options
    • Static filters
    • Dynamic filters
    • Interactive search builder
    • Interactive search panes
    • Interactive search forms
    • Many advanced search options
  • Buttons
    • Export to CSV, PDF, Excel, SQL
    • Custom buttons
  • Custom queries
  • CPT support
  • Row grouping


  • WordPress forum
  • Contact page
  • Freemius platform

Data Management

  • Connect to local database
  • Connect to remote database
    • MariaDB
    • MySQL
  • Connect to foreign database
    • SQL Server
    • MS Access
    • Oracle
    • PostgreSQL
  • Manage from Data Explorer
  • Export to SQL, CSV, JSON, Excel, XML
  • Import from SQL, CSV
  • Import from CSV, JSON, XML
  • Auto reload from CSV, JSON, XML
  • Copy table to other database


  • Execute any SQL command
  • Save and reuse SQL code
  • Work on multiple tabs simultaneously
  • Schedule SQL commands
  • WordPress table protection
  • Visual Query Builder


  • Google Charts integration
  • Supporting many chart types
  • Dynamically switch chart types
  • Share on back-end and front-end
  • Share on external web pages
  • Cache query results

Geolocation Support

  • Google Maps intergration
  • Data tables integration
  • Batch update support
  • Customizable markers
  • Supports static and user location
  • Radius search

Data Apps (Legacy Tool)

  • Full CRUD support
  • Auto generated constraints
  • Database trigger handling
  • Many filter and sorting options
  • Many advanced search options
  • Customizable through templates
    • List tables
    • Data entry forms
    • Master-detail pages
    • Lookup listboxes
    • Autocomplete lookups
    • Inline editing
    • Reusable templates
  • User and role management
  • Custom code support
  • Data Forms (responsive apps)
  • Many styling options
  • For back-end and front-end

Table Design (Legacy Tool)

  • Data Designer for beginners
  • Query Builder for developers

Ready to go premium?

Get in touch, or order now