Read this BEFORE you start. #
- Premium data services does not work behind the Sucuri WAF. We tried to get in though with Sucuri but got no response. Sorry! This limitation might apply to other security tools as well. Please get in touch if you have any questions.
- The IP address of your server needs to be registered with your license. This service is not available on local IP addresses.
- Communication between your WordPress server and our data server is encrypted. Encryption between our server and your database is your own responsibility. Please get in touch if you need help.
- The connection to our data (proxy) server may add a delay. The duration of the delay depends on the location of your server. A remote database connection may add an additional delay. You need to decide for yourself if the delay is acceptable. We can add paid servers later to reduce the delay time. A feature to copy a remote table to another database was added to the Data Explorer. This works for both, remote database connections and remote data files, and allows you to copy your table to your WordPress (or other) database to increase performance. Table copies are not involved in the update interval cycle.
- Text columns are truncated after 1024 characters.
Remote database connection-specific limitations #
- Remote data types that are not available in MariaDB | MySQL are automatically converted. Check your column data types before you start updating!
- Tables are created on our data server without a primary key. Remote primary keys are not recognized automatically. You need to add a primary key to enable transactions (use the Query Builder or Data Designer).
Remote data file-specific limitations #
- Tables are automatically created. The table creation process uses your data file content to determine the column data type and length. If you enable update intervals, the update process fails when data exceeds the column length. You will receive an error message in your plugin dashboard (and an email if configured). You might need to recreate the table or modify the column length (use the Query Builder or Data Designer) of specific columns.
- It is possible to add a primary key or (unique) index to a table created from a CSV file. A primary key or unique index enables transaction support (insert, update and delete rows). It is not possible to write changes back to the original remote data file. Do not create primary keys or indexes on JSON or XML files! This will result in errors.