App authorization is applied to both back-end and front-end usage. Back-end access is restricted to registered users only. A Data Table app displayed on the front-end typically allows anonymous access, enabling visitors to view the table. In contrast, Data Management apps usually require authorized access to prevent unauthorized users from altering table data.
Authorize Roles & Users #
Authorize Roles & Users #
- Users with the selected roles can access this app.
- Selected users can access this app.
- Other registered users cannot access this app.
- Anonymous users cannot access this app.
Anonymous access #
- Any user can access this app.
Backend Access #
Enable to add app to the WordPress dashboard menu. The WordPress dashboard provides a navigation menu with options to navigate to built-in or custom pages. Enabling this option adds a menu item to the WordPress dashboard for all authorized users, allowing easy access to this app.

Front-end Access #
You can add the app to the frontend by using the following shortcode.
[wpda_app app_id="9"]
Authorization and usage errors are hidden by default to prevent errors from appearing on front-end pages for unauthorized users. If you want to display authorization and usage errors, enable feedback.
[wpda_app app_id="3" feedback="true"]
Disable builders on front-end
Builder access is automatically enabled on front-end pages for administrators, allowing them to change app settings directly. Disabling builder access will remove all Table Builder and Form Builder icons from these pages. Please note that anonymous users and non-admin users cannot see these builder icons and have no access to app settings.
[wpda_app app_id="17" builders="false"]