The Form Builder is where you can customize your app’s form functions. On this page, you can set up relationships and lookups to other tables.
To access the Form Builder, you can do either of the following:
- Add a New Row
- Edit or View a Row
The app is reloaded to a form view of your row. You can open the Form Builder by clicking on the icon at the upper right side.
Form Builder #
The Form Builder opens up to a sidebar where you can customize the form view of your app. The Form Builder sidebar has three option tabs: Form – Columns – Theme, each with its group of settings.
Changes and configurations appear in real-time on your table as you set them, but you still need to save your settings to finalize your changes.
List of Form Builder Settings #
Form Tab # |
Relationships | Contains the button to start the Relationship Wizard. |
Field Layout |
Expands to show several entry field styles.
Grid |
Expands to grid options for your form.
Cells | Expands to an option to adjust cell padding. |
Field Spacing | Expands to an option to adjust field spacing. |
Null Value Handling | Expands to the option to preserve empty strings on update. |
Columns Tab #
The Columns tab lists your table’s columns. Each column expands to a list of available configurations based on column types.
Per Column Options # |
Grid Positioning |
Expands to show the following field options:
Column Settings |
Expands to show the following options:
Validation | Contains fields to set a minimum and maximum allowed value for numeric types. |
Lookup | Contains the button to start the Lookup Wizard. This option is only available for string and numeric data type columns. |
Column Metadata | Displays the column metadata. |
Computed Field #
You can add a computed field based on calculations generated from other fields.
Theme Tab #The Theme tab contains several options to personalize and design your table. |
Font |
Expands to show the following options:
Palette | Expands to show a color palette selector. |
Layout |
Expands to show the following options:
Can we use the where clause owner_wp_username = $$USER$$ to limit the fields in the table to those logged in?
Hi Cassie,
The $$USERS$$ environment variable is no longer available in the new tools. Instead you can use the out of the box session variables @wpda_wp_user_id or create your own custom session variables (explained on the documentation page mentioned below). You can also use these variables in your database views, triggers and stored procedures.
Session variables are explain here:
Best regards,
Okay, so I replaced $$USER$$ with @wpda_wp_user_id and it works. However, when I create a relationship between my parent table and child table, I am getting “invalid response. Please contact support”. Any ideas?
Can you share your relationship settings? Please use the contact form if you prefer to share this info in private.