WP Data Access supports custom validation through JavaScript and database triggers. JavaScript validation is very simple, just add a JavaScript function named pre_submit_form() to your page which handles the validation. The plugin will automatically execute your pre_submit_form() function before data is submitted to the server.
JavaScript validation example
function pre_submit_form() {
if ( jQuery("#check_code").length < 6 ) {
alert("ERROR Check code must be at least 6 characters");
return false; // this tells WP Data Access your validation failed
// Add more validations here...
return true; // this tells WP Data Access your validation succeeded
Add pre_submit_form() to back-end page #
Use filter wpda_after_simple_form to add your validation function to a project used on the back-end. Read more…
function my_validation_hook( $self ) {
function pre_submit_form() {
// Your validation code goes here...
return true;
} </script>
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['page'] ) && 'wpda_wpdp_21_24' === $_REQUEST['page'] ) {
// Validation is added to project id 21 page 24 only
add_action( 'wpda_after_simple_form', 'my_validation_hook', 10, 1 );
The premium version of the Code Manager supports back-end coding. Read more…
Add pre_submit_form() to front-end page #
Use the Code Manager (free version) for projects executed on the front-end with shortcode wpdadiehard. Just add your validation function to the page running the wpdadiehard shortcode. That’s all! Read more…
Limitations #
- JavaScript validation does not work with Data Forms.