It is possible to combine two data tables to create a master detail page. This gives you more flexibility than the standard popup for both, the master and the detail table. The master table adds a dynamic hyperlink for each row to the detail page.
Inline demo #
Click on a Show Bike Details hyperlink to see the detail page.
Brand | Brand Type | Color | Show Bike Details |
Brand | Brand Type | Color | Show Bike Details |
Master table #
Show only the most important columns and add a dynamic hyperlink to the detail page. Here is the dynamic hyperlink used for this demo:
Detail table #
Make sure you select only one row in your dynamic hyperlink! And set the following options in your detail data table:
- Number Of Columns = 1
- Type = Expanded
- Show Icon = No
- Allow ordering? = Disabled
Advanced options
"dom": "t",
"pageLength": 1,
"initComplete" :"function (oSettings){jQuery('#' + oSettings.sTableId + ' tbody').off();}"
Credits #
The idea to combine two separate data tables to create a master | detail page came from Charles Godwin. Charles is also the author of the alternative WP Data Access search algorithm extension.
Thank you Charles!
Hi Peter,
I have published data table to my website using the generated shortcode.
Now I want to edit text in one of the varchar columns due to a spelling error in the data table. I select Data Explorer, hover over the table name and click the Explore link. The next screen (Premium Data Explorer) shows a message “No Data Found”, even though I know the data table contains 4 rows of data.
Is it possible to edit the individual field text once a data table has been published ?
Hi Mark,
Yes, you can use the Data Explorer to edit your table. I read your review in which you said you like the Google like search and I guess this issue is related to this type of search. When you configure a table to use the Google like search, this search type is used everywhere. Just perform a search in the Data Explorer and your data will be there.
BTW, the Google like search is currently only available on table level. Some plugin users have ask to configure it for specific publications and projects as well. This will be added later to allow you to work with normal searches in the Data Explorer.
Thank you for your review! 🙂
Hope this helps,
ahhhhh got it, thanks Peter that was indeed the issue. Appreciate the quick response!
Good to hear, its a great feature of this plug in.