The SHOW MORE button allows users to progressively load more rows into their tables by disabling pagination completely.
Inline demo #
ID | First Name | Last Name | Birthdate | Added | |
ID | First Name | Last Name | Birthdate | Added |
Enable SHOW MORE button #
The plugin adds pagination to data tables by default. To switch from pagination to the SHOW MORE button:
- Disable checbox “Allows paging?” in your data table
- Add the following option to Table options (advanced)
Advanced options
{ "serverSide": true }
Change info message #
The plugin adds a default info message to the bottom of the table like:
10 rows selected (from 44,590 entries)
Table options advanced to change info message
{ "wpda_search_more_info": "_END_ rows selected…" }
Please enter your own text. The following tokens are supported: _START_ _END_ _MAX_ _TOTAL_
For InnoDB tables and views with an estimated row count higher than your actual Max row count, the info message shows a -1 value for the total number of rows. Change the Row count in Table Settings to Show estimated row count to force the plugin to use the estimated row count. Read more…
Change button labels #
Use the following options to change the labels on the SHOW MORE and the END OF LIST buttons.
Advanced options
"show_more_text": "> SHOW MORE <",
"end_of_list_text": "> END OF LIST <"
Be careful #
With checkbox “Allow paging?” disabled, the plugin loads the whole table at once. For large tables this might result in an error. Make sure Table options (advanced) contains the option mentioned above for large tables before you test!