Hooks and filters to customize WordPress list tables on back-end and front-end:
- wpda_add_search_actions (add search actions to WordPress list table)
- wpda_add_search_filter (add search elements to WordPress list table)
- wpda_before_list_table (add custom code before a WordPress list table)
- wpda_after_list_table (add custom code after a WordPress list table)
- wpda_column_default (change column layout/output)
Hooks and filters to customize simple forms on back-end and front-end:
- wpda_before_simple_form (add custom code before a data entry form)
- wpda_after_simple_form (add custom code after a data entry form)
Hooks and filters to customize publications:
- wpda_wpdataaccess_prepare (add custom code to publications)
General hooks and filters:
- wpda_construct_where_clause (customize search behaviour – works with all features)
Can i add custom code to add email button on each row of the data table. this button will run php code to send an email with row content.
You can use a dynamic hyperlink to add a link or button that jumps to a php page or execute custom javascript code. This feature is explained here:
Hi Peter!
At first, thank you for developing this fantastic plugin.
I have a quiestion.
Is it possible to redirect user to another page after submiting the form?
Sorry to disappoint you Joshua, but this is currently not supported. You could use the wpda_before_simple_form filter, but you cannot access the transaction status to prevent redirection on error and you might run into header already send problems. But it definitely sounds like an interested feature for future development… 😉