The plugin supports the following shortcodes:
- wpdataaccess (data tables)
- wpdadiehard (data apps)
- wpdadataproject (data apps – Premium)
- wpdadataforms (data apps – Premium)
- wpdageomap (google maps integration – Premium)
- wpdawidget (sharable widgets – Premium)
Shortcode wpdataaccess #
- Generates read-only tables
- Uses jQuery DataTables
- Use the Data Tables to generate shortcode wpdataaccess
Short wpdadiehard #
- Supports select, insert, update, delete, import and export
- Uses WordPress look and feel (bases on class WP_List_Tables)
- Use Data Projects to generate shortcode wpdadiehard
Shortcode wpdadataproject [premium] #
- Generate a responsive data app for a whole Data Project including a responsive menu
- Uses jQuery DataTables, AngularJS and jQuery UI
- Easy styling: Plugin Settings > Data Forms > select Default jQuery UI theme
Shortcode wpdadataforms [premium] #
- Generate a responsive data app for one specific Data Projects page
- Uses jQuery DataTables, AngularJS and jQuery UI
- Easy styling: Plugin Settings > Data Forms > select Default jQuery UI theme
Shortcode wpdageomap [premium] #
- Generate an interactive map from geolocation information stored in database tables
- Uses Google Map
- Supporting fixed position, user position and location search
- Supports user adjustable range search
- Supports data table integration
Shortcode wpdawidget [premium] #
- Adds a chart, data table or database widget to a webpage
- Uses Google Charts
- Widgets are created on the dashboard
- Other widgets have their own shortcodes(!)
I have followed the tutorial but whilst View works with wpdadiehard edit does not what might be wrong
Here are the most common reasons why rows cannot be edited:
– You can only edit rows in a table (view editing is not possible)
– Your table must have a primary of unique key
– Enable update in plugin settings:
Go to menu Settings > WP Data Access > Tab Back-End > Allow transactions? > Allow update
Hope this helps,